Monday, August 28, 2017

Up and Away. A day in the Toon

Finally got a fullish night sleep so ready to hit the Town that doesn't open till 11 because it's bank holiday monday. so with a car full Andrew heads off to find us a park close to town which he duly succeeds at. with a costa coffee breakfast under our belts we hit Eldon Square to check out the shops. standing outside the Adidas shop we thought this would be a great time to find Marc's request of a new pair of shoes, with a blink of my eye Jacqui spots a womens fashion shop and does a runner. 10 minutes of searching she was spotted checking out the racks, i have to say she didn't find anything this time but its only a matter of time before I'll be looking like a pack horse under a weight of clothing. with PC World calling we ventured into sort out a mobile wireless box to help us during our Grand Cruising Tour. Well that was an eye opener and I suggest anyone coming to the UK on holiday to make a friend with a UK address and save yourself a bucketful of money. Now we have a rolling monthly contract and can keep in contact through messenger and facetime. 
On we tracked to Pri mark a clothing store and we picked a few bits for the grandies. the realisation of bank holidays kicked in with the crowd of people that grew in town. You forget over time when you live in such a quiet place as Te Awamutu and New Zealand what a vibrant place this is, the buskers were amazing and you feed off the energy of city life, but saying that, after 4 hours i was ready for some peace and quiet. this didn't happen as we headed onto what turned out to be a cultural festival, indian music and dancers strutting their stuff, there was such diversity in people and cultures. taking some time to soak up what was going on before we headed to the Hancock Museum for some quiet informative time, history can sometimes just be forgotten and it's always good to soak up what where who why and how we have got to this point in time. People before us had it harder and achieved more than we will in our lifetimes. Man achieves amazing things in their darkest times. with time ticking on we head back to the car and back to Benwell, another busy day closes. tomorrow is Beamish etc  

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