Saturday, September 2, 2017

4 Day Blog.

Yep Wednesday, Thursday, Friday And Saturday rolled into one long eventful time. I would like to say Party Time but alas not. So lets kick it off with wednesday or shall we call it visiting day, made the calls to colin and ethel, besty friends of jacqui's parents its been a long time since we have caught up them. we then tracked over to see aunt and uncle Audrey & Eric not sure whether we will get to see them again as they are away on their hols, good to spend a little time with them. finally we caught up with Tom & Joyce, again they're off on their hols so we probably have said our goodbyes to all these lovely people which has been a little harder for Jacqui as we don't when we will be returning, finishing off the day we headed to Sunderland for a night at the dogs, 11 races on the card and dinner included in the ticket it was a lovely way to finish the day. 
Thursdays plans, we are off to Toon, to catch the Quay to Sea River Cruise. a leisurely cruise down the Tyne to the coast. the only downer on the day is Steve has a come down with a bug and not feeling the best, but off we headed and to be fair it was an interesting experience seeing how the shipyards have been replaced by modern industry learning a lot about the history of this mighty river and the cities it encompasses. it was however probably a hour longer than steve could take and with hot and cold shakes and a headache to die for we headed home for steve to burn it off overnight.
Friday. Not the Best Day. Plans for the day, head north to Alnwick finish off on the Holy Island of Lindisfarne for a spot of night photography of the ruins, something Steve has looked forward to. Reality Check. Steve get up has shower eats half a slice of toast and passes out, caught by Lee and Andrew the ambulance duly called and Steve's off to check out the NHS system, apparently blood pressure of 70/30 is not good and considering i take blood pressure tabs highly unexpected, so after a bucket load of checks and 6 attempts to get blood, yes I'm that tight i don't give it away lightly. they finally figure that i have a nasty bug and dehydration so a night in hospital and a couple bags pumped in hopefully I'm on the road to recovery. So we don't head north to scotland to see My Sis Sandra & Andy hopefully we will catch up at some point. A Massive thankyou to the family for the support Jacqui & I have had during this testing time. I always said i would show jacqui something different on our hols but didn't expect the inside of a Ambulance
Saturday. RECOVERY DAY: Enough said

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