Saturday, September 30, 2017

London's Calling

So the time has come to hit the big town. leaving the car in storage with Andy & Lisa, we get dropped off at the railway station in Bracknell, on we hop and away we head to Clapham junction and a change to Victoria station. well that was a bit of a culture shock. the people and noise of the station was a little overpowering to the senses, leaving Victoria station we used the GPS to help us find our accommodation. As per usual she takes us on the long way round.
    As we were early we dumped our bags and headed to Westminster Abbey ( strictly no photo's) never mind. So much to take in it was an eye opener into history, well worth using the audio device to get the facts on different parts. Big Ben has been turned off for 4 years to undergo restoration work ( 60 Million pounds worth) so got to take photo's of my favorite thing Scaffolding. The evenings event was Phantom of the Opera so we booked a Taxi for the trip, our driver was a lovely man originally from Ethiopia who gave us a guided tour on the way to Her Majesty's Theatre. we booked him to collect us as well. Jacqui really enjoyed the show, I found it a bit heavy at times but you can't take away the fact they were talented performers. The reality of London kicked in at 5am with international flights starting to land. Today we are off to Greenwich village. A return to the Cutty Sark, last time I saw it I was 10. 
 it is now suspended in a drydock with a cafe underneath which is kind of cool, I have to say it was more exciting as a 10 year old, but its history is well worth a look. we followed this up with a long walk upto the Royal Observatory. Jacqui's standing where time starts
we take it for granted what we have in our lives, so going through places like this really brings it home that these were very clever forward thinking revolutionary people. people spent a lifetime figuring things out so that we have it very easy.
walking back towards the underground we found Greenwich Market but with our bags already bursting it was a look only, some amazing stuff for sale with loads of bric a brac, our next port of call was Ripleys Believe it or Not, unfortunately it's been shut down and is due to reopen at a new venue later in the year, Bugger. so in its place we went on a Tuk Tuk ride to the London Eye, yippee I love heights. 
to be fair it was well worth the ride with some amazing views.
back to hotel and we collapse with sore feet. 

Friday and its off to the Natural history museum and back to Bracknell
A bit of tube music to get us through the day. Shopping and Football to come tomorrow, bring it on

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