Friday, August 25, 2017

A Day at the Seaside

It's a Biggy. today started with breakfast at Lee's favorite shop Greggs, which wasn't quite the Full English that I had thought I may get A walk about in Melton and a clothes shop for Jacqui just to get her eye in as one would say. next up where's my Pork Pie. having previously checked out where I was going we headed to the shop, feeling a tad peckish I felt the need to buy 3. as we don't yet have wireless on the go we saw vodafone as our best bet so sort it out.we have figured out that Vodafone UK is pretty similar to NZ, it employs strange people that are NOT customer focused in any shape or form and that the tourist with money to spend is still not an insentive to either smile or interact on a human level. after a quick cuppa we head off from our Hotel to find the nearest traffic jam that just happened to be outside our gate. had a chat with a elderly gentleman driving the other way who gave us the news that its worse where we are going. Our journey today is finish at the quiet fishing town of Whitby (Mmmmm) with GPS Lee and his system set to go we found that even google maps has the odd glitch. with a culmination of diversions trailers caravans and sainsbury truck that is limited to 50mph we finally arrived in whitby the longest way possible although we did get to go over the humber bridge and found single lane tracks to fill in time. we decided that after finding a place named UGGLEBARNBY that we will be playing the oddest name game daily.
Whitby, what can I say, Brilliant would be a good start, I don't normally do crowds but on this occasion it was well worth it. it bought back childhood visits to the coast, the sights and sounds the Fish n Chips, gulls, school holiday crowds  a folk festival with Morris Dancers Whitby was buzzing. with what felt like 7294 steps in town and up to the abbey ruins you certainly get a work out. Jacqui got herself a beautiful piece of Jet Jewelry and we finished off the day with fish n chips on the pier. I fell in love with this place. plenty of photo's to edit when i get the time. onwards to
newcastle tomorrow

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