Wednesday, September 6, 2017


After 3 attempts in 28 years to get to Alnwick we decided that Blakey was feeling well enough get some fresh air. so the time had come to head north to see the elusive towns castle and gardens. We duly made it safely and headed straight for the Castle, an amazing piece of architecture. still lived in to this day. for an hour or so we got to see through the state rooms a couple of the rooms still in use today the military museum and massive grounds to roam about it, finished off with a coffee in the courtyard. we soaked up as much history as we could before moving on to the very impressive gardens.

What an amazing walk through a stunning selection of gardens. from covered walkways to fruit & vege to the Fairy Garden and bamboo maze we managed to get through well over half of whats there to see, so i guess a future visit maybe on the cards. we finished off the day with a look around the the TREE HOUSE, every boys dream

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