Thursday, September 7, 2017

Bassenthwaite here we come

Today's the day we move on from the Northeast and with the drama's that we have had, we still look at back at the time here as well spent. Jacqui got to spend a bit more time with family than expected and got to experience a bit more of the Toon the Quayside and "her" Bridge.So with a tinge of sadness  we follow Andrew & Karen out of Newcastle and onto the Lake District and the sleepy hamlet of Bassenthwaite. our destination being a holiday lodge up in the hills above lake Bassenthwaite. on the way across country we visited the Housesteads Roman Fort. one of 15 Forts along Hadrian's Wall, set high in the hills to take advantage of the stunning surrounding views.

Sadly along with the change of stay comes the world renowned Lake District weather RAIN RAIN and more RAIN is forecast maybe scuppering Jacqui's flight plans, we will try elsewhere in the England as we travel. I was so looking forward to throwing her off a cliff.

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