Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Castles to Creatures

Well time is starting to fly by and the program is also starting to tell a little bit, cramming in as much as we can and today is no different. 1st off we head to Bodiam to see the castle. 

And WOW what a Castle, just like we would imagine a Castle with a full moat. the insides made be a little ruinous but the magic is still there. It was a delight to walk around and through, once again our timing was pretty good because just as we were finishing a school day out arrived and the carpark was filling up fast. If you get the chance check it out. 2nd on today list of things to do was Birling Gap, I have always wanted to get up close to the white cliffs and we are close enough to visit.
Spent a bit of time enjoying the view from up top and on the beach. 
3rd on the list and high on Jacqui's list was Drusilla's and a possible encounter with a large spider or snake. most would have seen the photo's on jacqui's facebook page of the experience. Jacqui certainly got more than we expected due to the fact it was very quiet, with a guided tour of the backrooms and the knowledgeable James giving a running factual and fun facts. Drusilla's is a wonderful zoo and although most would see it as a place for the young we found it very relevant, informative, educational and a fun place to walk around.

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