Sunday, September 24, 2017

Ice cream on the Brighton Pier

Well to finish off yesterday we got back to our hotel stripped for Bed and Bang the fire alarm goes off, all the fire automatically close and were are thinking, O! 4 floors of stairs to get down. so throwing some cloths on away we toddle. No Panic its a false alarm. We found out later someone had overdone the cologne to close to a sensor. Nice to know the systems work, Strange thing is of the entire number of quests only 3 rooms bothered to come down. 
Anyway back to today's ramblings. Up early and out by 9 am. Our destination a village named Alfriston, to get there the plan was to go through Brighton and enjoy a quiet stroll down the beach and the pier, then onto Lewes to check out Antique shops and then onto our Hotel. Well Brighton certainly put paid to the quiet walk. The whole population seemed to be out, add the Labour party conference and several hundred protesters and this created a interesting atmosphere for the day.
I know it's sunday but the number of people seemed to be large, we also figured out that Newcastle were playing Brighton so the also increased the number.
We liked Brighton, it was buzzing, even with the crowds. We had a ice cream on the pier and took in the sights sounds and smells of the arcade rooms and checked out the rides. I was still recovering from yesterdays ride so they weren't happening today.
this pier obviously didn't have enough fire systems in place. The police were out in full complete with a couple on horseback to keep the protesters in place. It was nice to see people proactively have their say on issues that they felt strongly about. 
After a Cuppa we decided to move on, our 3 hour 4 mile walk was starting to take it's toll on the fee.
our next stop was Lewes, unfortunately it being a sunday afternoon most shops were closed but we did go through the Lewes Castle.
The Castle has a number of parts that can still be accessed but is not a complete castle. it has a facinating history as most do and was well worth checking it out.
This is the Fifteenth Century bookshop.

The final push was to end in Alfriston, a unknown village that we plucked off of we were well surprised at what we saw driving through and look forward to having a looksy tomorrow. what we saw as a pub to stay in turned out to be a rather posh hotel. not sure whether Shorts, Tee shirt and Jandals will cut it in the Dining room

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