Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Having a Bath

Decided to try for Bath in the shortest time so as get a few hours sightseeing in, we headed off on the motorways (today just happened to be more like a carpark) and ended up adding 25 minutes to the drive time but thats OK we still made it to Bath for midday. What a busy place it turned out to be, picking that it would be best to get the city sightseeing hop a bus we duly jumped into the touristy stuff with a guided tour of the city. 
eventually we decided to end our tour back in town by Bath Abbey
This is a commonwealth window and dedicated to Canada, 
South Africa, India, Australia and New Zealand. NZ's panel is the far right with Bishop Ken. not sure who he was. whilst walking we came across the Chocolate lady outside her shop, 

after a good 4 hours walking the streets and taking in the sights we headed onto our accomodation at Limpley Stoke Hotel. outside of Bath. 
A beautiful place to chill out. tomorrow we head to Brushford and Kathleen and David for 3 days 

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