Thursday, September 21, 2017

Needles and Castle

For our 2nd day on the isle of wight we have planned to get 3 three things into during the day. The first was to drive for 35 minutes to the Needles.The weather wasn't our friend with a strong wind but we ventured to take the chairlift which was for me a challenge, heights not being my friend. 

We had the chance to check out Alum Bay Glass and watch as they produced some product and gave a running commentary. It was fascinating to watch. 
 Time had come for us to move on to our next port of call. Godshill, we had no idea what to expect. A part from the 7 buses of tourists and a carpark full of cars we found a park and decided lunch was first on the list of things to do. After a wander around the village we went to checkout the Model Village, A rather large copy of Godshill a lot of work had gone into this place.

We really enjoyed our walk and have a load of photo's to play with when I get home.
3rd thing to do today was the Carisbrook Castle. Just up the road from where we were staying. More of a Castle Ruins than a full Castle but had some other building still complete within the Walls. We walked up on the Ramparts around the walls.
Had to try on a couple of hats while we were there, would of been rude not to.
Chainmail umm, really heavy, not sure I would want a whole suit of this stuff.
Whoops almost forgot we got our daily dose of Steps in (71) of them straight up. we love steps they are right up there with pay and display carparks.
Well we made it through the day and our visit to the Isle is coming to an end, up early to get to the ferry with Portsmouth calling.

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