Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Destination Isle of Wight

So up & away leaving Honiton after brekky & heading for Lymington. Pretty easy drive taking in the outskirts of Dorchester, cruising through parts of the New Forest quite similar to Exmoor in alot of ways including ponies ! loads of them with the addition of cattle grazing too!
 Got to Lymington with plenty time to peruse the town & lucky that we did as parking was at an absolute premium! managed to make our way to the ferry in plenty of time & took our place in the queue to await boarding. The car ferry was a first for both of us, an enjoyable experience.

A 40 min sail & here we are on the Isle of Wight with enough time to visit Osborne House- Queen Victoria's hideaway. Just beautiful, I can see why she liked it there !! 

Back to our digs for the night for dinner then a good nights sleep, more sightseeing tomorrow !!

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