Sunday, September 24, 2017

Spice Island & Carriers

After a well needed sleep in we had a cruisey morning before meeting up with Rich, Jo and Winnie for brunch. Another busy day was planned and first up was a trip up the Spinnaker.

 So beating off the Tourists we got in and up we went, I have always struggled with Heights so it was another test but I was glad to make it because the view was well worth it. Jacqui pushed it to the limits by laying on the glass just to wind me up, but I did get a photo.
As I said the view was amazing and this is just to prove I was there.
Our 2nd port of call was the Harbour Cruise, getting up front and personal with the Navy, and just to show who's the boss our Boat was 15 minutes late due to traffic holdup on the Harbour, the captain had to wait for clearance. It was an interesting trip in and around the ships with a running dialogue on Navy & Portsmouth History facts.
The new Beast on the Block. pretty impressive stuff. 
like a kiddie in a sweet shop I couldn't get enough of the ships, I have loads of pics to edit when I get home.
It would of been rude not to call in here for a drink after the tour , so we did. After our little tipple we took a walk down to southsea, on the way we stopped at the amusement park to remind us of how old we are,
 As we walked in I spotted the Waltzer and knew in a instant that Jacqui would want a ride on it, yippee speed and spinning here we come, i had forgotten how they make you feel, add in a beer swilling in the tummy and it ain't good.  
I got to see how it feels a little later when Jacqui & Jo decided to have a go they certainly look like they are enjoying a spin on the Waltzer.
Jacqui & Richard looking pleased with themselves for completing the roller coaster that looked like it was made of broken scaffolding.

By the end of the day someone had a new friend, surprise surprise I always said Jacqui should work with children.
we had a fabulous day connecting with Rich Jo and Winnie and finished this day at a restaurant for dinner before having to say the farewells as we move on in the morning taking some cherished memories with us.

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