Friday, September 8, 2017

Keswick & co

with enthusiasm we threw open the curtains to our 1st morning in the Lakes, were we dissapointed to see wind and rain to start the day, NO, Today we off to explore some of the area, starting off in Keswick and to Jacqui's joy a market was going on in town, we Love town markets a collection of all and any type of stall to be found.
We headed down to the Lake and you have a constant reminder of the love of the English for their Dogs no matter where you are you are surrounded with every type of dogs imaginable. 
as you can see the weather wasn't the best for us but it bought out some amazing colours.

after Keswick we headed down the lakes through Ambleside (where we stayed in 2012) and onto Windermere. Another Beautiful town, you can tell it's popularity by the numbers of visitors. Today was a lovely day spent with Karen & Andrew and unfortunately our last full day with them as we head off down south tomorrow. So we finished our day off down the local pub for an evening meal. 

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