Monday, September 18, 2017

Camelot to Carousels

What a day we have planned today from the Legendary Arthur through to 1900+ Show Rides. We kicked off with a solid Breakfast and then hits the tracks to Merlin's Cave.We picked the right time as very few (3) people were on the trail down to the bay and cave. What a stunning morning the clear blue skies and beautiful warmth of the sun and of course the slightly chilly breeze off the sea. 
we found the carving of Merlin in the rocks and checked out the cave, basically a dark hole with water in the bottom, we certainly didn't feel the force. 
we met a german couple and exchanged cameras for a shot each by the obvious waterfall, and we took it the morning view before heading up the hill to check out the remains, now we knew there were steps lots of steps but the final push was a workout, 65 degrees and deep steps for Jacqui.
after attempting to include Anne & Bruce on our tour with a facetime date and failing we headed back to the booking office that was now open to take in the island and castle. More and more steps followed before we reach the sculpture. 
a pretty amazing sculpture at that. after 3 1/2 hours of climbing hills and steps we finally made our way back to our hotel, cheating the last 400mtrs with a landrover ride to the top,
Morning complete and a worthy 1/2 hour rest before we head off to Dingles. Jacqui discovered dingles online during our pre-tour planning and it seemed to be a good place to have a look at. we knew this was going to be very good or very bad. with the 40 min drive we arrived in a field, umm not what I expected. But I have to say this has been a memorable highlight in our trip. it started with the Museum of Amusements, all the old games from the past found at travelling shows or in NZ the winter / summer shows. 
There is a complete History of how and when travelling shows came about, items in the museum have all been gifted by travelling showmen to help keep the memory alive, there are buses, caravans trucks, complete backdrops, it was truly a great place to see. Once we got away from the 2p slots we headed over to the active building. 

A building with basically a complete show inside.  

you can probably tell by the increase in photo's that we really enjoyed Dingles. if you get the chance check it out and if you wait a bit longer they are doubling the size of the active building as they have a lot more in storage.
tomorrow we head to the lost gardens and finish in Mevagissey.

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