Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Gardens to the Sea

We moved on today from Tintagel, heading down to the south coast to Mevagissey. On the way we called into the Lost Gardens of Heligan. They may have been lost but they are no Secret Garden. Thinking a Monday would be a little quieter we were sadly mistaken. we parked way down in the overflow parking and wandered up to the ticket office, after a short Queue we headed into the gardens.

As we wandered through we saw a vast array of garden types , styles, including as the photo's show, man made sculptures. As we headed towards the Jungle area I spied a little friend for Jacqui, it might not be the Boa Constrictor but a one foot snake is a snake.
we were surprised by the amount of NZ plants, obviously they liked ferns etc. the rope bridge was not what I expected but was fun to walk over.
lots of twisting and very springy and a max of 10 people allowed on it at a time. we spent 3 1/2 walking the gardens and it was a lovely way to spent some time to chill, we then headed on to Mevagissey to our hotel. This was the view heading into town from our hotel.

What a stunning day we had to see this beautiful little place, we did however freak out a bit when gilly gps sent us through the shortest way right through the town. this is what it presented us with.
Yep it is a 2 way road with no passing, making it rather interesting to drive through. We did however make it to our hotel and learned of a better way to exit tomorrow.
 we took the chance to get on a speedboat ride taking in the local coastline, a lot of fun.
struggled to get a sharp pic while bouncing about. someone looks happy though. we settles for a slightly quieter time to finish off the day with steve getting some photo time and jacqui getting some shop time,

It's fair to say that we enjoyed today, lots of walking lots to see and lots to enjoy about Mevagissey, we would definitely come back probably adding more days.  

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