Sunday, September 17, 2017

Dropping into Lynmouth

The day has come where we must farewell Kathleen & David our hosts for the past 3 days, they have a great knowledge of the area they live in and that showed when they gave us the grand tour of Exmoor. Today our plan is to travel to Tintagel to catch up with Arthur in his Camelot digs. We managed to get through to Minehead and onto Porlock where we stopped for a leg stretch and a few pics. 
Our next stop is Lynmouth or Lynton depending on the up or down.
the reason for our visit is the famous water lift from lynton up top to lynmouth down at the coast. 

check out Jacqui's video of our downhill leg click  Watelift

Lynmouth Harbour.
We really enjoyed our couple of hours checking out both towns before heading on. we were supposed to be going hovercrafting and we are gutted it didn't happen, the company putting it on didn't bother to reply to our email so we push on to Boscastle and what a delight that was. The Witchcraft Museum was to be honest a lttle unsettling. the amount of stuff on display was surprising.
 For a town that was nearly written off the face of the planet when massive floods came through they have done an amazing job of repairing rebuilding it.
We finished off our day checking into the Avalon hotel in Tintagel looking forward to an eventfull tomorrow

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