Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The Long Road to Honiton

Well after such a great few days we start our trek towards the Isle of Wight and Portsmouth to catch up with Family. We couldn't have asked for a nicer day, sun shining blue skies and our first port of call is to be Torquay a town I have heard a lot about, it being the English Riviera. O dear, what a disappointment that was. A dirty looking town that seems to need a good tidy up. I think the council needs a good kick up the butt to sort that place out. Whilst walking around the centre of the town we spotted what we though was a tourist land train.
 and decided to take the 40 minutes ride to the sights of the Town. 7 hours later we still aren't sure what we went on. more like a bus and less like a tour we saw little of the town and the driver required a 10 minute break for a smoke, really bizarre.
Holidays are all about experiences and today has been one of those complete with the slightly weird staff at the pub we are staying at. tomorrow will be a better day as we head to the isle of wight.

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