Saturday, September 16, 2017

Tarr Steps to Lorna Doone

We had no idea what today would bring, with the weather forecast looking gloomy the night before the expectation was a quiet day in the house.But a bright and sunny start to the day led to better things with a trip to Tarr Steps, a catch up with Michelle and her 2 children and then onwards. 
Tarr steps, ancient 17 span clapper bridge, no one really knows how old the bridge is but legend says it was built by the Devil and even to this day, no one can cross it if he decides to sunbathe on the warm slabs. 
after a spot of lunch we farewelled kathleen michelle oscar and eloise. david then took us on a tiki tour of exmoor and surrounding villages. Jacqui got to go over her first ford and later we saw a 2nd one.
during our tour we came to Lorna Doone farm and yes there was a shop for jacqui to check out
for those that have read the story of Lorna Doone ( I have not )this is the church where she was shot at the alter, it is also the church of the writer of said book he was born and died in the area.
tracking over the moors we had the chance to see the famous Exmoor ponies, they roam freely within the park. 
they are a smallish solid race of horse and rather shy of people, we did get a few shots taken but they are elusive when cameras are about.
on the way home we stopped into Dulverton to catch up with Kathleen, she volunteers in the local heritage centre and we got a tour, its amazing what a group can achieve if they have a shared passion. if you get the chance go along and have a look. 
 the bad weather had held off all day but this is what we got in the evening and a wet night to boot

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