Saturday, September 9, 2017

Onto Derby

Our drive is a relatively short one of about 40 minutes so we decide to visit a couple of towns on the way, to start with we head to Matlock to pick up an Umbrella, a required item for someone with a hair straightener and the expectation of seeing a lot more rain on our journey. Matlock is another lovely looking town and we have a good wander around the central area and just happen to spot an antique and collectibles shop, so off we trot in the search for some old jewelry and jacqui picks up a nice ring to add to growing collection. thankfully our cases can only take so much so it restricts what we pick up. we duly get the Brolly and head off to the beautiful market town of Ashborne. we would have loved to stay longer but it was just to wet and miserable 
finally reaching our destination for the next couple of days at Trish's in Derby. getting the chance to catch up with family and extended family members over dinner and well into the night.
looking forward to a brewery visit tomorrow, hoping Trish doesn't get us lost.

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